Biografklub Danmark byder på alt, hvad et godt filmhjerte kan begære.
Program for sæsonen 2017/18:
CPH:DOX 2025 – Take the Money and Run
Everyone had an opinion about the work, but was there a method to the madness? This was the big question on everyone’s mind when artist Jens Haaning created his work ‘Take the Money and Run’ at the Danish museum Kunsten in 2021. The artist had
CPH:DOX 2025 – Paul
Paul doesn’t have it easy. He’s struggled with obesity, low self-esteem, social anxiety and loneliness for most of his life. But now he’s found a solution. He has started cleaning – for free – for dominatrixes in Montreal. Under the name Cleaning Simp Paul, he
CPH:DOX 2025 – Nobody’s Angel / Endeløse nat
In the late 70s, five female friends snuck out of the shadow of the punk movement to form their own band. They wanted to play rock just like the men, and they wanted to be seen and heard – and they wanted to conquer the
Under stjernerne på himlen
‘Under stjernerne på himlen’ er et portræt af en af dansk popkulturs største stjerner: Tommy Seebach. Et rørende og livsbekræftende drama om en mand, der indædt kæmper for at forblive på toppen. Det er samtidig en familiehistorie om en far, hvis konstante higen efter anerkendelse
CPH:DOX 2025 – Caught by the Tides / 风流一代
A plot that can be explained in a single sentence sets the minimalist action in motion in Jia Zhang-ke’s masterful new film. The woman Qiaoqiao is travelling through modern China to search for her missing husband, who left their shared hometown of Datong without a
CPH:DOX 2025 – The Brink of Dreams / Rafaat Einy Ll Sama
There are scenes in ‘The Brink of Dreams’ that you just won’t forget. We are in an Egyptian village where gender roles follow tradition as they always have. Here, a group of young girls dream of starting a theater troupe – so they do go
CPH:DOX 2025 – Afternoons of Solitude
The camera remains on the extremely charismatic young bullfighter Andrés Roca Rey for every minute of Albert Serra’s uncompromising, provocative and masterful film about the disgusting display of aestheticised cruelty called bullfighting. We are with the young matador in the arena, in the car before
FFM 25 – En stilhed (Un silence)
Joachim Lafosses fængslende thriller udspiller sig i Metz, hvor Astrid (Emmanuelle Devos) lever et privilegeret liv som hustru til François (Daniel Auteuil), en fremtrædende og mediebevidst advokat. Han nærmer sig et afgørende punkt i en mangeårig, højprofileret sag, hvor han repræsenterer forældrene til en række
CPH:DOX 2025
Verdens bedste dokumentarfilmfestival er tilbage. Og det kommer ikke til at gå stille af. På programmet bl.a. Albert Serras vinderfilm fra San Sebastian, den åndeløst smukke, men også omstridte tyrefægterfilm ’Afternoons of Solitude’, det danske Sundance-hit ’Mr. Nobody Against Putin’, Miyazaki -dokumentaren ’Spirit of Nature’,