Whether you’re a believer or not, you will experience the little hairs rise, the tears well up and a smile break through in ‘Look Into My Eyes’. We meet seven very different people from New York who have one thing in common: they’re psychic. Or at least they believe themselves to be, and their clients turn to them to connect with their deceased loved ones. In simple and focused scenes, Lana Wilson (director of the Taylor Swift film ‘Miss Americana’) confronts us with our possible scepticism, but still leaves the door open to the possibility that there is something to it. Gradually, we also get to know the seven clairvoyant mediums. It turns out that they are ordinary people with an extraordinary talent, and that they themselves often have a wound or two on their soul. And perhaps the most important thing is not whether they are actually right, but how we can reach each other and feel better on both sides of the crystal ball? An intelligent and empathetic tour of the kaleidoscopic universe that is our inner life.