The action of the film unfolds over the course of one day – August 24, 2022, during the celebration of the 31st anniversary of the restoration of Ukraine’s statehood. The film is composed of places and people that effectively convey the spirit of the current wartime. The film’s settings range from the relatively safe Kyiv and Lviv to the rocket-stricken cities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv; from the trenches on the frontlines near Donetsk to the sandy beaches of Odessa. The film portrays a day in the lives of a ‘beach’ police patrol, an anti-tank missile operator, a water delivery driver, a mortar gunner, a Ukrainian Armed Forces assault trooper, a 14-year-old pub cleaner, an artist, and a member of parliament. All these individuals and places come together to create a captivating mosaic of one day in the life of Ukraine. NB: Free screening.